Fusarium head blight (FHB or scab) predicted risk is increasing for some locations in the northeast, southeast, and along Missouri River in SD. The risk is likely to increase especially for spring wheat, which is just starting to head. For locations found in the yellow and red areas and where wheat is starting to flower, a fungicide is advisable. The best fungicide timing for FHB and DON management is at flowering (50% of the plants have initial flowers). However if due to weather or other reasons this timing is not possible, a fungicide can still be applied within 6 days of flowering, but the fungicide efficacy reduces past the flowering time. Strobilurin fungicides (QoI, FRAC code 11) should not be applied to wheat after heading.



–Emmanuel Byamukama, Extension Plant Pathologist , South Dakota State University


For more details, go to the FHB Risk assessment tool at http://www.wheatscab.psu.edu


For the latest news and updates from the U.S. Wheat & Barley Scab Initiative, go to https://www.scabusa.org




To see past blog entries for this region: https://scabusa.org/user/9