Your check-off investment is multiplied through collaboration with industry partners
2023 Annual Report
The South Dakota Wheat Commission has updated its strategic focus and operational structure in response to changing agricultural trends. Key changes include outsourcing accounting functions, relocating the office to Brookings near SDSU to strengthen research and market development par tnerships, and significant personnel changes: Carolyn Theobald resigned, Jamie Johnson was appointed as a new commissioner, and Reid Christopherson will retire in June 2024, succeeded by Dr. Jon Kleinjan. These adjustments aim to enhance the Commission's efficiency and collaboration in future initiatives.
acres planted
acres harvested
bushels harvested

Your Check-Off Investments Support:
Research and its funding are an integral par t of success in agriculture. Growing wheat efficiently and economically is an impor tant to the profitability equation for wheat farmers as is marketing. Wheat checkoff dollars provide for continuing and new research in the areas of: Wheat Variety Development; Wheat Production and Management; Disease; Weed and Pest Control; New Technology; Crop Quality Evaluation; and Market Research.
Education, Information and Communication
Reaching producers, students and the general public is essential. The SDWC maintains a website at along with a Facebook page. Checkoff dollars provide a communication link between the farm and non farm sectors through education and the media. Scholarships, awards and premiums provided through the SDWC include: SDSU/MTI/L ATI Scholarships, FFA, FFA Foundation and 4-H Agriculture Educations programs.
Market Development
South Dakota annually expor ts approximately 20-30 percent of its wheat internationally. Funding is used to suppor t International Marketing through the U.S. Wheat Associates and the Nor thern Crops Institute in Fargo, ND. Domestic Marketing includes suppor t to Wheat Foods Council, Wheat Quality Council and Plains Grains, Inc.
Policy & Government Affairs
The competitive position of wheat and wheat production can be directly altered by changes in political climate, and national policy. Funding supports advocacy and education on wheat research and promotion initiatives.