For immediate release:

~2018 National Wheat Yield Contest Launches to Showcase Greater Grain By: National Wheat Foundation

~Do you need to be certified or recertified as a Private Pesticide Applicator? If you plan to apply any pesticides to an agriculture commodity worth $1,000 or more, you need to be certified. It does not matter what pesticide you apply (herbicide, insecticide, or fungicide, etc.) you need to be certified as a Private Applicator.2018 Private Applicator Certification

~The South Dakota 2018 Pest Management Guides are now available for free. The guides offer recommendations for controlling weeds, insects, and diseases in a variety of South Dakota crops.2018 South Dakota Pest Management Guides

A special news release for South Dakota media outlets.  Please contact Reid Christopherson at to set up interviews, gather additional quotes and graphics, or pitch a story.